Sunday, February 04, 2007

Long time no blog!

Hey everybody! Sorry it's been so long since writing. As usual, life has been buuussssy! Jo and I are just wrapping up all of our interviews for residency positions. We've applied to British Columbia, Edmonton and Winterpeg programs. All of our interviews went super well and we're glad to be finished. As of March 14th we'll find out where we'll be spending the next 5 years. Hopefully BC!!

I was just reading Jay and Chantelle's blog and it got me inspired to write again. It's so cool to hear how our little niece Hannah is growing up. She's sure lucky to have such amazing parents. Hi to everybody!!


The Cheeks said...

Hey You Two,
We are thinking of you and your jobs! Thanks for saying Hannah is lucky to have us as parents! I KNOW you two will make amazing parents too!! Get busy!! Hannah needs more cousins!!!
Love Chantelle

Laura said...

About time... I've stopped checking yours! Good luck staying in BC. Cory and I are looking forward to your bash in June... a good reason to see everyone again!