Monday, September 11, 2006

Let the blogging begin!

Well, howdy y'all! Chantelle and Jay inspired me to get a blog up and running. JoJo and I don't have any cute babies yet to talk about but I guess we should be able to come up with something. ...How about the huge mountain bike crash I had the other day at Red Mountain in Rossland. One of the lifties was on his break and thought he'd take me down the toughest trail on the mountain. The trail was super fun but at the bottom was a 4-5 foot drop off of a plank and I felt courageous. Next thing I knew I was doing a pencil dive onto packed unforgiving ground. I smoked the top of my head pretty good and bounced my left butt cheek off of what must have been a sharp rock. I'm healing up now though and should be ready for my next adventure soon! Well, off to stamp out disease!!

1 comment:

The Cheeks said...

Welcome to the blogging world. You don't need babies to blog. I am so looking forward to being able to log on to see what you have been up to!! Chantelle